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Gabriele Luciani nasce a Tivoli nel 1990.

Dà inizio alla sua carriera artistica formandosi nell’arte orafa. Durante gli anni del liceo, seguendo gli insegnamenti dell’artista tiburtino Elverio Veroli, si diletta nella realizzazione di copie-studi dai grandi maestri della storia dell’arte prediligendo sin da subito la pittura ad olio e la scultura.

Nel 2015 a Roma si diploma in pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti, grazie alla quale, ha potuto svolgere parte degli studi in Spagna, nella più antica e rinomata “Universidad de Salamanca”.

La sua pittura scava e indaga quelli che sono gli antichi temi mitologici e sacri, rappresentati dall’artista con un gusto che ricorda e accorda insieme stili barocchi e vittoriani, contornati, il più delle volte, da un sentito gusto per l’art nouveau.


Gabriele Luciani was born in Tivoli (Italy) in 1990.

He started his artistic career by training as a goldsmith. During his high school years, he was trained by the artist tiburtino Elverio Veroli and he enjoys making copies of the works of the great masters in the history of Art. From the begining he has prefered oil painting and sculpture. 

In 2015 he graduated in Oil painting at the Art Academy in Rome that had given him the opportunity to undertake part of his studies in Spain, in the oldest and most respected “Universidad de Salamanca”.

His painting explores and investigates ancient, mythological and sacred themes, represented by the artist in a way that is reminiscent of baroque and victorian styles, but at the same havily influenced by the Art Nouveau movement.